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天氣風險公司 正式加入水與氣候聯盟 (Water and Climate Coalition)

天氣風險公司 正式加入 國際組織-- 水與氣候聯盟 (Water and Climate Coalition)

水與氣候聯盟是一個由來自科學組織、民間部門、非政府組織、國際組織、政府和民間社會的成員組成的社區。它由 10 個聯合國組織和 GWP 於 2020 年成立,旨在解決 SDG 6 加速框架中確定的差距。該社群與來自各個部門和地區的組織和個人一起不斷發展。

水與氣候聯盟以平等、多樣性和包容性原則為基礎,向任何尊重其原則並有興趣積極努力實現水與氣候可持續發展目標(SDG 6 和 SDG 13)的人開放。

水與氣候聯盟專注於行動。成員可以加入並建議活動市場上的活動。成員特別關注利用資料與資訊解決水和氣候挑戰,並通過地方、國家、區域和全球範圍內的活動進行能力建設。秘書處與聯盟成員組織定期會議和研討會。水和氣候聯盟出席了世界各地的各種水和氣候會議(如斯德哥爾摩世界水週、COP27 和聯合國 2023 年水會議),成員可以在各種活動中展示他們的活動。

本公司創辦人暨總經理彭啟明博士表示,能為台灣第一個參與的組織,非常榮幸,尤其國際社群肯定天氣風險的團隊實力,能在國際社會上提出想法與貢獻,期待未來能帶動更多的國際合作,符合聯合國 SDG 6 與 SDG 13 的目標。

WeatherRisk join Water and Climate Coalition!

The Water and Climate Coalition is a community of members from scientific organizations, private sector, NGOs, International Organizations, governments, and the civil society. It was founded by 10 UN Organizations and GWP in 2020 to address the gaps identified in the SDG 6 Acceleration Framework. The community is continuously growing with organizations and individuals from various sectors and regions.

The Water and Climate Coalition is based on principles of equality, diversity, and inclusion and is open to anyone, who respects its principles and is interested in actively working towards achieving the sustainable development goals for water and climate (SDG 6 and SDG 13).

The Water and Climate Coalition is focused on action. The members can join and suggest activities on the Activity Marketplace. The members have a specific focus on addressing the operational water and climate challenges with data and information, and capacity development through activities at local, national, regional, and global scales. The Secretariat organizes regular meetings and workshops with the coalition members. The Water and Climate Coalition is present at various water and climate conferences around the world (such as Stockholm World Water Week, COP27, and UN 2023 Water Conference), where members can present their activities at various events.

The founder and CEO of WeatherRisk, Dr. Peng ChiMing said that it is a great honor to be the first organization in Taiwan to participate, especially the international community who recognizes the strength of the Weatherrisk team, who can put forward ideas and contributions to the international community, and look forward to leading the way in the future. More international cooperation, in line with the goals of UN SDG 6 and SDG 13.

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